Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Well, I guess this is hello...

Welcome to Carpe Dayum. Seize the day with a twist.

Well, you would think I would know what to write in my first post, but I'm struggling. Should I tell this beautiful back story about my life that led me to this point where I decided to start this blog? Or maybe an egotistical proclamation about how you'll love reading my blog? How about simple introduction...? Yeah, that seems right.

Hi, I'm Sarah. I have the joy of teaching childern to dance, I fill my spare time with books and crafts, and I'm constantly looking for things to attempt to cook/bake. I must confess that I'm not a mother, married, or own my home. I have reinhabited the room I grew up in before leaving for college over 4 years ago, I'm constantly trying to figure out a way to pay my student loans while saving money, and I have a weak spot for Target clearance.

So, what can you expect from this blog? For starters, you'll find some wonderful and fun [I think] DIYs that I have either come up with or seen on another site and am testing out. Reviews of recipes will be another type of post you'll see. I should mention that I am not the best cook, so if I can make the recipe come out good, I'm sure a good cook will make it great! What else will you see, you ask? I'm so glad you do! Make up designs and outfit posts will also show their face on here. What can I say I'm girl who loves the look of high fashion with the price tags. And lastly, book reviews. After all who doesn't love a good book?

My philosophy on life is if you can make it instead of purchasing it, then make it; if you have to purchase it, then buy it on sale; and if you have the option to buy local, then buy local to support a small business. So with that said, I'm hoping to have my first DIY post up by the end of the week. Catch you then!

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