Monday, June 18, 2012

An Update

I am sad to say that I haven't been able to do much crafting lately. The school year is coming to an end and so is teaching at the studios I'm employed with. So I've been scrambling to find summer work, drafting resumes and going to interviews. I am happy to say that I'm working as an usher at Cirque De Soleil "Totem" while it's in Boston, so expect some inspired crafts and food from that. With work being dwindling down, so have my funds. However, there is an upside...I have a couple things lined up that I should be able to post soon. So I just wanted to let you know, hope is not lost, I haven't stopped just seems life has taken up most of my time at the moment.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Ahh three day weekend! Well sort of...I have dance competition tomorrow for one of my studios, but it's a free weekend none the less. So what am I going to spend my weekend doing? Crafts of course, possibly a little bit of Zelda playing and Star Trek marathons too...

So figured I would give you my fave five simple DIYs I found via Pinterest recently, so if you find yourself with some down time, you can give one of these a try. Now I haven't tried any of these yet, so let me know how they go!

FIVE. Beach Towel to Tote

Get ready for some sun, although it takes awhile, this is still pretty simple. Go here.


FOUR. Flat Iron Case

This is the easiest project ever!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

DIY Signature Stamp

As some of you may remember, I customized some thank you cards. I thought it would be nice to create a signature stamp so I could save my hand a little after writing personal messages inside the 50 cards. I thought this would be a great thing to share for those of you who are also a teacher of some form, recently or soon-to-be getting married, or graduating from high school or college. Signing tons of thank you cards could be more fun with your own stamp.

So all you need is:
speedball linoleum print block
linoleum carving tools
tracing paper
a fine tip Sharpe
and patience.

You can purchase all of that at your local craft store like Michael's or online at websites like Amazon. I'd stick away from art supply online stores unless you plan on buying other art supplies because the shipping can be expensive the products aren't discounted that much. Amazon is your best bet if you're already purchasing something else such a book or etc cause you can get free shipping. I couldn't wait, so I went to Michael's. The speedball linoleum print blocks were on clearance so I was able to snatch a stack of them for $1.50 each, but they're only around $2.99 normally, and you won't use the entire block on your signature so you could make some other small stamps too.

(More after the jump)

Friday, May 4, 2012

DIY Thank you cards

Here's the next DIY.

Recital time is upon me for the studios I work at and my first year of teaching is almost done. I thought it would be nice for me to show my gratefulness for the hard work they've put in by giving them all thank you cards. I luckily found some blank thank you cards on clearance at Target for only $0.88 for 10! So I picked up enough for my 50 students and a couple extras in case I messed up, always have to plan ahead.

I instantly wanted to customize the cards so they had more a personal feel.(Directions after jump)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Desk DIY Glam Up Pt. 1

Some of you may know that I recently acquired a new desk which I intended on painting. My parents convinced me since it's made out of such nice wood to leave it be. I can always paint it in the future right? Yeah, that's what I thought too.

Well if I can't paint it, how do I make it my own? Hmmm...oh I know! Besides of the obvious of changing the drawer pulls, which I'm still struggling to find ones that will fit in the pre-cut holes. Then what else, is there to do? I was stuck here too until I found a couple yards of zebra fabric that has been sitting in my closet since high school. *gasp*

I measured the inside of the drawers and (thank the crafting gods) had enough to cover the bottom of every drawer. It's pretty simple. Take the measurements of the drawers and then cut out the fabric in accordance. If you're anything like me though, I can not cut in a straight line. So I slightly over cut every drawer to ensure that I'd have access to trim off after placing inside the drawer. Check out my zebra drawers. =]

What's so great about this is that I didn't tack it down or attach it to cardboard, so I can take it to change it up whenever I want...(there's more after the jump!)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thrift Store Outfit #1

Hello again.

So this post marks a new series of posts that I hope to be posting monthly, maybe even bimonthly (twice a month).

As a background, I think its really important that at least twice a year you go through your closet and donate clothes that no longer fit or you haven't worn in more than 6 months. Extreme seasonal clothing not counted, some winters aren't that cold, doesn't mean you should get rid of all your gloves then. However, that pair that's been sitting in the back of your closet since 1982...well maybe 2002, would probably benefit someone in need of a new pair of gloves.

I recently went full spring cleaning mode on my closet, donating bags of clothes I no longer wear. With all the extra room in my closet, let the shopping begin. I figured the best place to start was my local thrift store. Some of the best thrift stores for clothing near me are in Boston, but as a South Shore girl Savers is my go-to thrift store.

You should go in having a general idea of what you're looking for or you could be there for hours. After I hit the homewares and book section, I always head straight to the shoes. I find it's hit or miss with this section. However, I was not dissappointed this time. From there it was off to the clothes. I was on a mission to find a complete outfit now. Check out the whole outfit I picked up for under $25!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

DIY Ahh-tempt: Ombre Chair

I don't know how many of you are on Pinterest, I'm addicted, but I am always finding fun DIY projects and inspirational photos of things I want to make. Once such thing was this post fon Design Sponge originally from The Divine Minimalist by Jesse.
Jesse's beautiful creation.

Talk about a cool and simple project idea. Simple in concept at least. After the jump is the full process I went through. Overall I'd rate this DIY a 3 on a 1 to 5 scale of difficulty with 5 being pretty hard. I'm fairly confident that anyone could do this project. Between the sanding and dry time, it does take willpower to finish the project without rushing just to get to the end product. If you have a day off from work or you're having a lazy day, enjoy the sunshine in between stages of the sanding, painting and drying.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hunger Games Food: Capitol Bread

I am a huge fan of the Hunger Games book series and as the nation went stir crazy over the movie premiere, I found myself in a world of Hunger Games themed items. I'm still debating on making my birthday party theme this summer Hunger Games, so in the meantime while I get things together while planning it, I've decided to try and make some food from the books.

My first attempt is at the Capitol bread. In the book it is described as puffy bread and goose liver. Ehh, the idea of goose liver is not something I'd enjoy. So I thought what is available at my local grocery store that is close enough? Turkey sausage.

Here's what I did.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

An unexpected break

I had not intended to take two weeks off from this blog and although I have not posted I have been busy at work. Outside of the arguments with my parents over painting my desk, which I graciously eventually agreed not to do. Competition season is arriving at both the dance studios I work at and recital costumes are going home I had some hats to finish customizing, costumes to take in and fix, and start to figure out my own costumes. If I wasn't  busy enough, Easter arrived in a house cleaning frenzy that left me craving my bed when I wasn't working, rehearsing, making costumes or cleaning.

Which takes us up to the week that has just passed. The beginning of the week began with a slight sickness which had me enjoying laying in bed, got to watch some Star Trek movies though. And of course the main reason for my absence this week, I had a hip hop dance competition with the crew I dance with in Boston. I spent most of the week rehearsing and finding costume pieces. I did manage to take a trip to Savers and have a wonderful DIY coming your way soon! If the weather hadn't been so yucky I could have done it earlier, but c'est la vie.  Luckily, its school vacation this week and thus a week off for me.

So what can you expect in the next week...? Here's the list!

DIY Ombre chair attempt
DIY earrings
Customising a desk without painting...
Customising a hat for costume party or Halloween
And some other goodies, you'll have to come back and see!

Monday, April 2, 2012

A new desk

On my drive home sunday post-birthday party from my friend's house in Rhode Island, I was driving past this house that normally has horses out and is overall beautiful to look at. I was surprised to see a for sale sign and some furniture placed at the end of the driveway with pieces of paper attached to them. In my haste to get home and just crawl back into bed [we stayed up until 5am ehh] before I had to drive into Boston for rehearsal, I saw a beautiful black desk with tons of drawers. The moment I got home I told my mother about the desk, since she has a truck. She agreed to go and look at it with my father after the baby shower they were attending and if it was indeed free they'd pick it up for me.

Fast forward six hours later, I arrive home to find a covered desk in my dinning room! Imagine my excitement. I promptly went into the living room to talk to my father.

Me: "So the desk was free?"
Father: "There a piece of paper on it with a price of $100 when we went to go look at it."
Me: "Please tell me you didn't pay $100 for it."
Father: "We came back after the shower and it was only $50."
Me: "So I take it I owe you $50 now, huh?"
Father: "Yes, and your mother mentioned something about you maybe painting it..."

Oh, my mother knows me too well. The desk was most definitely worth the $50. It's extremely sturdy and all the drawers work. However in my hast drive past it, I mistook the color. It's actually a dark brown. Nevertheless, I'm thinking a nice coat of black paint with be just the right look I want.

I whole heartily believe that furniture should reflect its owner, so besides a new coat of paint on my new desk, I've been looking into some cool drawer pulls and knobs. Below the jump are some of the more unique or interesting ones I found on Etsy. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

As promised here is my first DIY post, well technically it's not so much a DIY as a glam it up post. I purchased these gold painted ceramic pieces at a local Savers for only $4 about a year and a half ago. My eye was originally drawn to their old Hollywood feel. They lived in my Vegas themed bathroom at school. Upon moving out they sat unused because they didn't fit with my room decor. So I had an aha! moment. WHY NOT PAINT THEM?

So I took this...

Primed it [white] and painted it!

The black fits much better with the rest of the decor in my room and when I move out, they'll easily fit with my new place [hopefully]

So I hope this post has given you an idea to paint something in your procession that used to work with your decor and now just sits unused. Don't be afraid to take the worse that could happen is that you have to paint ti back to the original color. I'm already thinking of ways to glam them up even more. Hmm maybe so glitter or highlight colors....

Friday, March 30, 2012

Frugal Friday

TGIF, right?

The rainy weather of the past few days, has left me yearning to do some crafts, but all the ones I wanted to do required spray paint and an outdoor setting. So, instead I made a list of all the DIYs I want to do in the near future, drafted a shopping list and printed some coupons for Michaels.

I had a budget which I stuck to went over and even though I have $13 to my name until I get my paycheck tomorrow, I couldn't be happier with my purchases. I love a good sale and I love good clearance even more, so imagine my delight when I was meet with this.

$1.49 for glass or porcelaine paint, normally $4.99!? You can bet your left ear I bought some. I have the perfect idea in mind, a post detailing that is in the future. But even better yet, the deals weren't over. I found some carving blocks on sale for $1.99, so I will be posting how to make your own stamps, as soon as I get my hands on some carving tools.

Overall I spent $24.99. Because of the clearance prices, and my coupon skills, instead of spending $53.79 [before tax] I saved $28.80!

I cannot wait to start some projects. If the weather stays nice, I'll have a DIY project up by the end of the weekend. It's gonna be a good weekend, I can just tell.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Well, I guess this is hello...

Welcome to Carpe Dayum. Seize the day with a twist.

Well, you would think I would know what to write in my first post, but I'm struggling. Should I tell this beautiful back story about my life that led me to this point where I decided to start this blog? Or maybe an egotistical proclamation about how you'll love reading my blog? How about simple introduction...? Yeah, that seems right.

Hi, I'm Sarah. I have the joy of teaching childern to dance, I fill my spare time with books and crafts, and I'm constantly looking for things to attempt to cook/bake. I must confess that I'm not a mother, married, or own my home. I have reinhabited the room I grew up in before leaving for college over 4 years ago, I'm constantly trying to figure out a way to pay my student loans while saving money, and I have a weak spot for Target clearance.

So, what can you expect from this blog? For starters, you'll find some wonderful and fun [I think] DIYs that I have either come up with or seen on another site and am testing out. Reviews of recipes will be another type of post you'll see. I should mention that I am not the best cook, so if I can make the recipe come out good, I'm sure a good cook will make it great! What else will you see, you ask? I'm so glad you do! Make up designs and outfit posts will also show their face on here. What can I say I'm girl who loves the look of high fashion with the price tags. And lastly, book reviews. After all who doesn't love a good book?

My philosophy on life is if you can make it instead of purchasing it, then make it; if you have to purchase it, then buy it on sale; and if you have the option to buy local, then buy local to support a small business. So with that said, I'm hoping to have my first DIY post up by the end of the week. Catch you then!